Note: this post may contain affiliate links. And honestly, it probably does. View my affiliate link disclaimer here.
If you’re like me, you find yourself in the evenings with very little energy remaining after a long day at work. And if, like me, you have younger kids, you will find that they want as much of your time as they can get. (Treasure that, by the way…there will come a time when they don’t really care if you give them any attention or not. This period is known as adolescence.) So, maybe you’ve given this question some thought at one point or another, as well as the quick answer:
Do I really have any time to make extra money after a long day? Yes!

I know I would like to be making extra money. It’s a lot better than the alternative, which is to make painful cuts to the family budget. (And no, I’m not going out for Starbucks every day, nor am I doing most of the frivolous items that pop up so often in the “here’s how to increase your savings” posts as things to cut.*)
But there are definitely days in which I do not have the energy, or even the desire, to do much of anything other than veg out and binge-watch Netflix. (No, I’m not cutting Netflix. I pay for that out of what extra money I do earn, thank you very much.) Heck, this post is only being written after several days split between vegging out (this week’s binging choice is Babylon 5, just so you know) and staring at a screen as I deal with writer’s block on a fledgling blog. So I understand how it can be, to a point. Obviously, everyone’s situation is going to be a little different, and that’s okay.
When I find myself in one of these blah nights – and it happens way more often than I would like – occasionally I find a few things that I can do to make money. These suggestions won’t make you much, but if you have little time or energy, they’re presented here as an option for your benefit.
And no, surveys aren’t included. If I’m that tired after a rough stint at the day job, I’m definitely not up for spending up to twenty minutes working on a survey, only to be told that I didn’t actually qualify after all despite having completed the entire survey. (It happens more often than survey companies will admit.)
Also not included: work-from-home jobs. They might appear in a later post, but if you are as worn out as I am, do you really have the energy to put into another job when all you want to do is watch TV? I don’t.
So, what things get my time when I have little to no time to give? I use these:
CashCrate: One of the many companies with hundreds of offers for cash, CashCrate hasn’t really been a priority for me. With that said, the site gives away free money just for “checking in” every day, and unlike so many PTC sites, this site doesn’t even require me to stay on the clicked link for any period of time. So, even if I do nothing else on the site, I might as well get cash just for clicking a link.
Inbox2Cash: I don’t particularly care for PTC sites. I may write soon about why the whole industry is probably doomed to fail eventually. However, this site has a nice, short waiting period before crediting after each link clicked in an email (they have been sending four a day), so I go ahead and click them, usually while I’m watching the late news.
UniqueRewards: Again, lots of offers and other ways to earn money, but there are usually 9-11 links to click to make easy cash. You simply have to wait 30 seconds between clicks, but you don’t have to keep the link you clicked in the forefront. May as well make a dime while you’re sitting around, right?
And, of course, you can get paid simply for searching. Provided, that is, you use the right search engines. Click here for more information.
* I rarely pay for Starbucks, but I go often, thanks mostly to Microsoft Rewards and other sites like that. $5 gift cards FTW!
Note: this post contains affiliate links. View my affiliate link disclaimer here.